The production of the first official swarf dates back to 9 March 1964.

This year, we are celebrating our 53rd anniversary.
We’ve had quite an intense 53 years, marked by technological development, cultural changes, and alternate situations, interwoven with the stories of the men and women who have made this achievement possible.

It is to these people that goes our heartfelt thank you!

It’s been 53 years of corporate coherence, important decisions, strong vocation, targeted goals, satisfaction, and more. Years during which we have kept coming up with various solutions for a varied industrial reality. We have developed a wide range of solutions that today are our corporate assets. We consider this anniversary an important milestone. Our tenacity, passion, and spirit have remained unchanged over the years. We still have many projects in the pipeline, and we want this tradition of people and machines to continue and keep improving.

A warm hug to grandpa Rino and uncle Mario: “Thank you for creating all this!”